Parents Guide
A 32 minute video addressing important issues on parents´ role in a comprehensive sexual education for your children
We talk about the importance of becoming a trusted adult for your son
We talk about life, family, love, sexuality, respect, dignity
We talk about how babies are made, sexual intercourse, conception, embryo development, delivery, full-term babies, premature babies, C section, breastfeeding, twin pregnancy
We develop the concept of sex positive parenting
Our children are seen as consumers thus they receive a big amount of messages with a strong sexualization content, excluding love and respect and introducing violence and glorifying personal appearance
Our children need to develop critical thinking, analytical skills, a moral perspective, self respect and respect for others
The need to develop selfsteem so they can be able to say NO even under peer pressure and also to be able to identify sexual vulnerability situations
To empower them so they can be able to mantain healthy social relationships
How was I born? Boys
Men and women think and feel different but we have the same value and dignity
Men and women are complementary in our bodies and our love
Since when you are a man? Cromosomes XX & XY
Main changes in boys triggered by puberty
We review the main parts of the male reproductive system
The sperm and sperm production
Erection and ejaculation. Nocturnal emissions or wet dreams
We review the main parts of the feminine reproductive system
Main changes in girls triggered by puberty
Menstrual cycle description
and more...
We explain the sexual act and the conception process
Sex of the baby determination
Descriptive video on conception, pregnancy and natural childbirth (appropiate images according to your son´s age)
C section brief explanation
Full-term and premature babies
Intrauterine development description
Multiple pregnancies explanation (identical and fraternal twins)
Breastfeeding brief explanation
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