Puberty course girls + Parents Guide + Downloadable Material

The complete package for one price $20.00 usd

The complete sex education course for girls 9+  PUBERTY. This 105 minutes video will help parents address ALL THE INFORMATION ON PUBERTY for your girl (age 9+) in a simple and natural language, with images appropiate to her age  PARENTS GUIDE. The 61 minute video explains how to give this sex ed course in a comprehensive manner, including simple strategies to prevent child abuse and to establish a good communication with your girl  DOWNLOADABLE MATERIAL. This PDF includes the basic concepts on sex education we address in this course, for you to keep at hand
  • Language: Spanish / Subtitles: English


It´s safer to be a year early than a minute late

Highlights for Parents

  • To be aware that today´s kids have an unlimited access to any kind of materials online

  • We revise the importance of creating a trusting communication atmosphere with our children

  • To acknowledge that many times, parents feel ashamed to deal with an issue of this kind, but mass media are shameless, and they even sell using erotism

  • How to form and not only inform about these topics

  • We revise the key factors on how to talk to our children about sexuality

  • Using correct information and terms, always telling the truth, according to their individual age and development

  • We talk about our body private parts and its care and protection

  • We explain changes we undergo in puberty and the definition of sexuality and its role to love, unite and procreate

  • Technics in educating your children on issues such as sexual security and child abuse prevention

  • The importance of respect in human relations, intimacy rules at home, modesty and effective communication

Puberty. Sex education for girls 9+


  • Basic topics on sexuality and development during puberty

  • We are constantly growing up and changing but, during puberty, your girl´s body will grow and change at a faster rate

  • We address the importance of respect to your own body and to the body of others

  • We talk about modesty, as a shield to protect my personal intimacy and that we must feel confident, secure and protected in my relations with other people

  • We revise puberty changes in detail, changes caused by sexual hormones, and using images appropiate to her age, your daughter will learn the reasons why in puberty her body will grow up and change at a faster rate

  • We talk about sexual hormones, breast development , the growth in height and weight and how corporal fat will define breasts, hips and thighs

  • We check physical changes such as armpit and pubic hair development, and the change in sweat odor

  • We study changes inside our body, check female sexual organs, and its location inside our body

  • We see the effect of sexual hormones in the ovaries, we will describe vaginal discharge and how to identify it

  • We talk about ovulation and menstration, as part of the development and the new body functions beginning with puberty

and more...

  • We explain the reason of all these changes, as part of the girl´s development of puberty and degree of maturity , in order to acquire the body functions of an adult woman. We will address reproduction in the next course

  • We explain the use of the sanitary pad, how to put it on, how to remove and dispose of it , and how she can keep herself comfortable and clean during her period

  • We encourage her to keep a positive attitude regarding her sexual development and deal with menstruation as a natural, frequent process, that won´t interfere with her daily activities

  • We briefly address puberty in men reviewing changes they undergo in puberty

  • We talk about child abuse prevention, private parts protection and care, be able to identify consented physical contact and how to avoid unconsented ones, secrets we can safely keep from the ones that put ourselves in risk, the importance of having trusted adults we can count on


It´s safer to be a year early than a minute late

  • Language: Spanish / Subtitles: English

Parents Guide

Video content

  • We talk about basic definitions of sexuality

  • We talk about the importance of giving sexual education in a comprehensive manner, among other areas of your children development

  • To encourage the communication within your family about all topics

  • Promoting personal care and knowing the changes that are going to happen during puberty

  • Promoting simple strategies at home to prevent chid abuse

  • Encouraging to be you at home, who first talk about these subjects

  • To be aware that our children now have unlimited access to information on social media

  • Sometimes sex education has been a tabu topic, and we didn´t receive this information from our parents, limiting our ability to address it with confidence

  • We talk about a simple way to establish a good communication with your children, how to become a trusted adult for him/her and how to accompany your children during his/her development process


Adriana is a teacher, trainer and lecturer, expert in sex education. For more than 28 years she has worked with girls, boys and teenagers, ages 9 to 16. She is an expert in working with students, she has given more than 2,000 sex ed courses, she has listened to the most common questions and identify the most common needs of girls and boys in these ages. She has surveyed more than 120,000 girls, boys, teens and parents, on risk and protection factors. Based on her experience she has developed a sex education program that she updates every year.

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